
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Slideshow of Pictures

Here are some pictures that show my trip from beginning to end. I will still post some blogs, but thought some people might like to see some pictures sooner than I'm getting my posts up.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bathroom Obsession?!?

Going through my pictures I discovered I have way too many pictures of bathrooms. What's up with that? Each one has a little story behind it. Maybe if I tell you some of the stories, you might understand the obsession.
  1. The first picture is a bathroom I encountered many times. Finally on the airplane I asked Heidi, "Which way do you stand, or squat actually, when you use an Asian toilet?" She said she turns around and faces the door, I always face the wall. Anybody know the right way?
  2. I had a real shower at my room in the church. No shower curtain or cold water, but I had a real shower.
  3. I had a beautiful bathroom at Amini's house. Problem: see the shower... but where is the drain and how do you take a shower with the toilet right next to you? Well, the shower wasn't working so see the bucket? He left that there for my shower. Problem... I had no idea how to use it since there was only a tiny little sink in the corner. How would you take a shower in this situation?
  4. Answer to #3... you add another bucket!!! I asked Amini the following a.m. how I was supposed to take a shower or at least wash my hair. He looked at me like I was crazy. He said, "Didn't you have a bucket of water?" Well, yeah, but I had to explain to him how I still didn't know what I was supposed to do. I said if I dumped the water over me it would get the bathroom floor all wet. He said, "Of course. That's what you do." What? Just dump a cup of water over your head in the middle of the bathroom. Apparantly there is a drain behind the toilet and sure enough, the water does eventually find it's way there. The 2nd bucket was for warm water so I had a cold water bucket and a warm water bucket. I actually thought this was my best shower I'd taken during my whole stay there. Loved the warm water.
  5. One place made it pretty easy to tell which was the women's bathroom. Look at the shoe nailed by the entrance.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tanzanian Walgreens

Along the village roads you will often run across little "shops" that seem to appear out of nowhere. This shop probably has phone cards, soda, veggies and a few other essentials. Watch out Walgreens, you have some competition.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This is the Way We Wash Our Clothes

As I'm sitting in my house in Nebraska now, listening to the hum of the washing machine, I thought I'd take a minute and post a picture of the Tanzanian washing machine. I definitely prefer mine but am so amazed at how "primitive" it still is there!

Can't wait to blog about my adventures. Right now it is late and I've spent all evening catching up on emails and uploading pictures. Hopefully tomorrow I'll begin blogging my journey. I have some amazing stories!!
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Made it to Morogoro!

After a long grueling day on the bus yesterday, I finally arrived in Morongoro where I am staying with Amini. He has a beautiful house and I just love his family. When I got to my room last night I discovered that there were about a million mosquitos....covered myself with deet....hope I don't get malaria. This morning I took an authentic African shower. They brought me two buckets of warm water...and a big cup, which I used to pour the water on me. The second bucket was cold by the time I got to it...but, it was still a great "shower". I just did all of this in the bathroom...the water gets all over the floor and mostly runs down the drain that is near the toilet. Today, Amini is going to take me and show me around town and tomorrow I will go on Safari.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Real Food!

Rained all night...again. Three friends took me out to eat for dinner and I had pizza. After a steady diet of rice or banana stew, pizza never tasted so good. Of course, the three beers didn't hurt either. :)

Tomorrow I will be on a bus, by myself, for eight hours....ick. I will go to the supermarket in the morning to buy snacks so I don't have to get off the bus.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Blood Soup

Brad again. Got a couple of texts from Kristi today, so don't have a whole lot of info to pass along.

Kristi went to a funeral today and got to participate in the ceremonies. She said it was very surreal. I'm not sure who's funeral it was?

OK, so this one Kristi is definitely going to have to expand on later. But yesterday she had a traditional soup. The soup was made from/with blood. Not sure who's blood? My guess... goat blood? But, apparently Kristi ate some. So has anyone seen my wife? You know, the one I married almost twenty years ago that only ate beef, chicken, potatoes and bread and corn?

Today to group traveled to Faraja. This, I believe, is where the school for handicapped children is. Kristi and the mission team were staying in a guest house with no electricity tonight and were playing cards by candlelight. Kristi had to go to the bathroom. She grabbed a flash light and was on her way when a a white frog jumped onto her foot. (Matt, is that you and the bat again? Oh, it's you Kristi. What are you screaming about? :-) I just know that tweety bird in the house story is going to come back to haunt me after Kristi and Matt read this...)

We continue to pray for everyone's safety. May God bless our mission team and all the fine people of Tanzania.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Trapped by bats

Brad again. Doesn't look like Kristi will get to a computer this trip?

Matt is feeling much better now after having been sick a few days ago.

It seems that Americans have a difficult time cohabitating with animals in Africa. First, a run in with a bat by Matt. I won't say anything derogatory, let's just say his scream was of a pitch higher than his normal voice (that's what I've heard anyway). Apparently it attacked his face or hair or head or something? Matt, you've got something on your chin. Looks like some food. (just kidding Matt).

Sara and Heidi had a run in with some angry fire ants. When I've been to Honduras, the number one rule is "don't eat in your room". We'll let Heidi and Sara know that when they get back.

The gang spent this evening cooped up in their room. Apparently there was a bat flying around outside their room and they were all afraid to leave. This must have been the massive rabid vampire bat that attacked Matt?

Don't know if you all know, but when Kristi and Scott were in Tanzania in 2007, they had a baboon steal their tortillas at lunch time. This was after skipping breakfast. The meat that was going to go in the tortillas had pretty much spoiled, so that was their whole lunch. Needless to say they were very hungry come dinner time.

OK, sorry I'm picking on them. I have a phobia of small birds, and Kristi has some stories about that that will probably come out after this blog.

Kristi is off to Faraja tomorrow. She also mentioned going to see Amini later in the week. She said it was going to be an eight hour bus ride to see him, and I think she is going by herself?

We will continue to pray for everyone's safety and well being.

God Bless

Friday, May 15, 2009

Matt's got it now

Brad again.

Looks like Matt had some bad goat, too. Actually I don't know if it's goat or not. I just say that cuz Kristi told me about pulling the goat hairs out of her teeth after her first trip to Tanzania. They just cook the goat with the skin, fur and head still attached. So Matt's sick now. He's started on the Cipro, so hopefully he won't be down for more than a day.

Kristi's teaching has gone extremely well. I read the book she put together before she left and I thought it was amazing. Kristi was teaching a group of teachers some teaching techniques. She is SOOO good at that. She was teaching about ten teachers and the Head Master of the school was very impressed with her. They are really blessed to have her come over there and share her knowledge. I don't know if she has been teaching the kids or not? She can update you on that later.

Sounds like Kristi is ready for a Hamburger or a Pizza or something along those lines.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Run in with the law

This is Brad again. I finally talked to Kristi on the phone today after texting didn't work out so well as my texts didn't make it to her. Kristi didn't have a lot of minutes on the phone she is using, so we didn't talk very long. But, here's what I found out.

Apparently, the owner of the car that was driving Kristi, Scott, and someone from the church, didn't register his car properly (or have insurance or something along those line). So the police wanted to take everyone to jail. Someone in the group was able to talk the police out of it and they ended up letting them go. So luckily I didn't have to bail my wife out of a Tanzanian jail again (no just kidding, I've never had to do that). The thought is kinda scary though, so I'm glad she didn't end up there.

Kristi said she is finally feeling better today after not being able to eat anything for a few days. Hopefully everyone else in the group stays healthy for the remainder of the trip.

Today Kristi went out shopping for school books and school supplies. The big purchase was a copier (I believe it was anyway, it might have been some kind of printer combo thing. Kristi can clarify later.). One things for sure, all the wonderful donations from everyone are sure going a long way to help the kids in Tanzania.

It's rained every night so it sounds like the roads and paths are a little on the muddy side.

Please keep Kristi, Matt, Scott, Heidi, and Sara in your prayers.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What did Kristi eat?

This is Brad. I received a few text messages from Kristi. It appears that she threw up while riding in the van today. I don't know if she actually threw up in the van, or if she made it outside? My guess is she had some bad goat or something? It could have been car sickness as riding in a van on the roads in Tanzania isn't the smoothest ride (especially for someone that gets motion sickness as easy as Kristi does). Kristi ended up spending most of the day in bed and is still a little woozy in the stomach.

The rest of our church group is leaving Lincoln this morning and should be there tomorrow to meet up with Kristi and Matt. I have a confession. I lied to our pastor. I will probably be going to hell for that. Kristi had asked us to tell the group that is leaving today to bring a hymnal as they would need to stand up in front of the church in Tanzania and sing. Kristi asked us not to tell them what the hymnal was for. Pastor Sara asked me if they needed to sing a song in front of the whole church. I said "no". Do I lie to my Pastor, or betray my wife?... I have to live with my wife.

We're all hoping Kristi gets better and we're praying for everyone's safety.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Can't access a computer for the time being

So this is Jessica, her daughter, and I will try my best to relay information and what I know.

Yesterday, as you all know, was Mother's Day. In Tanzania they had a lovely Mother's Day meal of liver. YUM! Kristi told me that her and Matt got the honor to sing in front of the church. They thought they were going to die. I believe they sang "This Little Light of Mine." Next week the rest of the team gets to sing so they'd better bring a hymnal... Kristi's lost bag was returned to her yesterday also.

Today she got to see Happiness. She texted me and told me "That was the reason I came. It was hard leaving her."

I'm SURE she thanks everyone for their support, prayers and love. I'll try to talk to her later tomorrow and find out whats going on, but for now thats all I've got.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


... but my luggage didn't!!!! Oh well, guess shampoo, deet and toilet paper are over rated.

When we arrived in Kilimanjaro last night and found out my large suitcase didn't follow us, I just looked at Matt and said, "Oh well"... I'll survive. The hardest part was trying to explain to the lost/found guy that I was staying in a church and had no way for them to contact me if they did find my luggage. Finally they let me go out of the building and bring back someone who was picking me up to explain to them where I was staying. I went out and Invo, the headmaster of the school I teach at, was there waiting. He was my hero. He knows me well and came into customs and gave his cell number and his school address. PHEW. I'm a little concerned they won't find it, but... oh well, things could be words.

Seriously, I'm a little bummed about having 10 sets of clothes missing, 3 pairs of shoes and having no hair care products or adapter for my hair dryer, but as long as they don't mind me wearing the same 3 sets of clothes, I'm fine. I do need a shower, so I'm planning on getting shampoo while here in Moshi town.

While we were driving out of the jungle to town I saw 3 blue monkeys in a tree in the valley (near where I'm staying). I've never seen monkeys up there before. Last night while Matt and I were on the balcony of the church, we saw the very top of Kilimanjaro. The saying is... when Kili shows her face, she wants you to come back. There was a full moon so we could see her face. I'd never seen it at night before.

It rained all morning and was so peaceful on the mountain this morning. All I could hear were bush babies and roosters. Did you know roosters don't necessarily crow when they see the sunrise... they prefer 4:00 a.m. At least that's what Tanzanian roosters prefer.

I met with my dear friend/sister Sarah this morning and on Monday I'm off to see my daughter, Happiness. I am so richly blessed!!

My love to all of you and hope you're all enjoying life as much as I am.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Goodbye USA

Passport $156
Vaccinations $200
New Journal $10
Snacks for Trip $15
New clothes $150

Donations from friends and family... priceless

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you all for the support you've provided me. I feel I am the luckiest person alive. I can't believe all of the things you've done to help me get ready for this trip and the things you're sending with me to give to the people I meet in Tanzania. I already feel God working and I haven't even left the states yet. What a blessing you have been to both me and my friends in Tanzania! Asante and God Bless you all.

I will try to post a few times while I'm over there so please check back or check "follow" and you will automatically be notified if I post.

When I leave tomorrow morning it will take me 26 hours until I arrive in Kilimanjaro. We will arrive the following evening. From previous experience I know we will be greeted at the airport and then driven up to Uswaa, where we will be staying. Our rooms are guest rooms the church built above the sanctuary(the church is in the picture). I've heard the church bells go off (2 sets of them) at 5:00 every morning and they are RIGHT NEXT TO THE ROOMS! That will be 9:00 p.m. your time if you live in Lincoln. So at 9:00 p.m., before you go to bed, send a little prayer my way and I will send one your way when I wake up!

Kwa Heri (good-bye)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Right now I'm near tears. No, not because I'm leaving the country in two days, but because of my friends. I'm overwhelmed with the help, generosity, interest and love I've received lately. I have friends that helped make bookmarks, bracelets, and teaching manuals. Four of my co-workers just wrote me checks to "give to a worthy cause" while I'm there. They have no idea what their money is going to do. I've gotten their money already ear-marked to give to the handicapped children of Faraja Primary School. Faraja translates in English to mean comfort, consolation. This money will go so far at this school. These children have physical disabilities and are unable to live at home, like they would had they lived here. To learn more about the handicapped children at Faraja go to their website.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Am I Starting a Pharmacy?

Seriously? Stool softeners and Kaopectate? Isn't that counter productive? I need separate luggage for my medications I'm taking over there... what am I thinking?
  • cipro (antibiotic in case I get diarrhea)
  • Malarone (malaria meds I need to take daily)
  • motrin
  • tylenol
  • stool softeners
  • kaopectate in case the cipro doesn't work?
  • neosporin
  • fish oil pills... cause I just need em, that's why
  • cranberry pills because I DON'T want to get a bladder infection over there
  • vitamin e because it's good for my total health and well being
  • vitamins because I might miss a meal... on the days they serve banana stew
  • pepto bismol in case i get a tummy ache
  • bandaids
  • hand sanitizer
  • individually wrapped hand wipes
  • .... come on, surely I'm missing something. I'm heading out to Walgreens now to see what else they have on the shelves I just might need.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Itinerary

I'm 6 days from leaving and things just found out my itinerary. The thing I was most worried about... will I have a place to stay? The answer.... YES!!! Why do I worry? When will I ever learn?

Here's what I'll be doing:

Thursday, May 7: Leave Lincoln, fly to Minneapolis and then to Amsterdam
Friday, May 8: 8:30 p.m. arrive in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (I will be staying in a room at
the top of the church)
Saturday, May 9: Hopefully go into Moshi to buy bottled water and exchange $
Sunday, May 10: Attend services at Uswaa, spend day walking around the village
Monday, May 11: Go to Masama Girls School to visit my AIDS Orphan, Happiness
Tuesday, May 12: Go to Arusha to purchase school supplies for Uroki Secondary School
Wed., May 13: Spend day at Uroki Secondary School. Do Teacher training workshop on
Taking Notes
Thursday, May 14: Spend day at Uroki Secondary School. Do Teacher training workshop
on Taking Notes: part 2
Friday, May 15: Spend day at Uroki Secondary School. Do Microsoft Word Basics training
Saturday, May 16: A.M. Do teacher training at Uroki (Active Learning); P.M. Dinner with
Bishop Shao
Sunday, May 17: Teach Sunday School at Uswaa, worship service
Monday, May 18: Go to Faraja School for Handicapped Children and spend night
Tuesday, May 19: Go back to Uswaa
Wed. May 20: Day at Uswaa
Thursday, May 21: I will go by myself and travel to Morongoro to visit friend Amini and his
family. We will do safari and spend time at his wife's restaurant and the
University in which he teaches.
Friday, May 22: Still in Morongoro
Saturday, May 23: Morongoro
Sunday, May 24: Travel back to Uswaa
Monday, May 25: Spend day at Uswaa. Board plane at 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 26: Arrive in Lincoln at 6:30 p.m.