Seriously? Stool softeners and Kaopectate? Isn't that counter productive? I need separate luggage for my medications I'm taking over there... what am I thinking?
- cipro (antibiotic in case I get diarrhea)
- Malarone (malaria meds I need to take daily)
- motrin
- tylenol
- stool softeners
- kaopectate in case the cipro doesn't work?
- neosporin
- fish oil pills... cause I just need em, that's why
- cranberry pills because I DON'T want to get a bladder infection over there
- vitamin e because it's good for my total health and well being
- vitamins because I might miss a meal... on the days they serve banana stew
- pepto bismol in case i get a tummy ache
- bandaids
- hand sanitizer
- individually wrapped hand wipes
- .... come on, surely I'm missing something. I'm heading out to Walgreens now to see what else they have on the shelves I just might need.
How about some hydrocortisone? You might get itchy.
Somewhere between the Stool softeners and Kaopectate you'll probably need some flushable wipes!
You know, BB may be on to something. I like to carry Benadryl with me whenever possible. Who knows when you or someone with you might have an allergic reaction.
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