As of this posting, I will be leaving for Tanzania in 24 days. Most people would be ready, right? Well, that's not how things work when you go to Africa. At least not with the group I travel with. I remember two years ago we didn't even know where we were going to be sleeping until we landed. If everything went smoothly last time, why am I worried now? Why don't I just trust God and know that everything will work out... it always does?
I do have a pile of "gifts" and medicines and clothes in a corner of my bedroom... so at least I've got a start. Unfortunately that's all I have prepared. I'm supposed to do some workshops for the teachers at one of the schools there and don't know what I'm going to do... guess I'd better get busy. I did buy our AIDS orphan (Happiness) some sheets for her bed, a polar fleece blanket, some socks, a bible, backpack and some misc. things. I can't wait to see her again!!! I'll post more as I start doing more to get ready.